Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hi so this is what i did this weekend

I have been in such an odd mood. I had a F the world kinda attitude on Saturday morning where I have been listening to Nickelback Rockstar I don't know why I just Love that song. Thanksgiving wasn't so bad I controlled myself I didn't even put on a pound so I'm Please with that. I met with my physio therapist last week about my knee she wants me to do 3 days of cardio for 20 minutes no more and no less. Because of my fybromyalgia consistency is important for me. She said I can do my boxing if i Don't push myself. I went to the gym twice yesterday and today for my 20min each of cardio. I did some weights too and starting to feel achy it's not even 9 and I think I'm going to call it a night. I had a comment from someone who said that me trying to loose 40 pounds in two months is crazy. I would like to say I agree it is crazy but it's necessary. I want to move to Canada and this is my option because i slacked off I knew I would have a medical but this is all the time I left myself and I will be damned if I don't loose that weight!! So I'm proud of me for going to the gym I have been fairly good I have denied myself cake twice I have had a few small treats but have limited myself and will continue to do so. Well I hope everyone had a good holiday now I need to prepare myself for Christmas it's right around the corner!!

1 comment:

Chubby Chick said...

Sounds like you've been working out a lot. Good for you! :)