So I had my medical for immigration for Canada. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Blood pressure was healthy 110/70 the same as my husbands Fantastic!! He said my weight may go against me. He needed further history for my counseling and chest pain I had last year.
I requested my medical history because the doctor needed it. It is very extensive to say the least I think I had a 40pg history for the last 3 years. One word of advice if you are seeing counselors don't tell them things you wouldn't want anyone else to see not even the doctors clearly they base things you say against you when making decisions. For example "She says she is not suffering from depression though she has previously" this was in regards to my weight gain.
I am obviously very worried about my medicals and what will happen. if we haven't heard anything by June 11th it means everything is OK so please pray/hope/wish for the best. I will let everyone know. It is needless to say that next time we go grocery shopping I am going back on the diet. Also I will be working my ass off at the gym my last day at work is the 30th. So as of June it's GYM GYM GYM.